Disaster Risk Management and Preparedness

Natural and man-made disasters have exacted a heavy toll on Kenya’s national development and impacted negatively on the well-being and safety of communities. It has negatively affected livelihoods, people’s lives are changed dramatically in various ways, with women, children and people in vulnerable situations disproportionately affected. Disasters, many of which are exacerbated by climate change and which are increasing in frequency and intensity, are significantly impeding progress in the national development arena. Recurring small-scale disasters and slow-onset disasters (droughts) particularly affect communities, households and small enterprises, constituting a high percentage of all losses. CEA led the development of the national government constituency development fund (NGCDF) disaster reduction and management guidelines (DRMG).  

The NG-CDF as a response to the various global and national challenges, to build a disaster resilient Kenya. Through a consultative process managed by CEA and others, they developed holistic, proactive, people driven guidelines; through a culture of prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response. It is also a response to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) adopted at the 3rd UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan, on March 18th 2015. The NG-CDF board by these guidelines were creating an action plan on strengthening disaster risk management and responsiveness throughout the government operations and communities organized from the constituency level. Kenya has 290 constituencies each with a representative in Parliament.

The DRMG contains guidelines on community-driven disaster risk management practices as well as methods of tracking and updating database on disaster responsiveness. This shall help collect data and information on the status for disaster preparedness and increase preventative measures for dangers and threats related to NG-CDF activities across the country. It suggests mitigation and risk reduction measures to be taken in all projects undertaken by NG-CDF. The guidelines also seek to increase capacity through research, knowledge management and awareness in disaster risk reduction at the grassroots level. More importantly, the DRMG shall help in assessment of preparedness at all levels in NG-CDF operations like schools, community sporting activities and community livelihood activities.

CEA are proud to have been among those that created the first Kenyan disaster risk guidelines at the constituency level.

 CEA has worked with County Governments; The National Disaster Preparedness Committee; The National Drought Management Authority and others